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Physical Education

North Fayette Valley High School Course Syllabus


            Course Name:  Physical Education

            Classroom: Gymnasium


Instructors Info

Name: Mr. Kullen

Phone Ext:2222

Email Address:

Prep Period:4th


Mr. Schroeder

Phone Ext:2362

Email Address:

Prep Period: 5th


Course Description:

Students will learn about the various aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle including functional movement, fitness concepts, cardiovascular health, lifetime activities, goal setting, and goal reflecting. 


Course Standards:

PE.1 Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

PE.2 Demonstrates an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

PE.3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

PE.4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

PE.5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.


Required Materials:

Acceptable PE Clothes

-Shorts, Sweatpants, Wind Pants, Pajama Pants.

-T-shirt, Long Sleeve T, Sweatshirt. No cut-off shirts

-Non-Marking Tennis Shoes. (Boots, Sandals, Flip Flops, & Crocs are NOT accepted for PE)



All assignments will be posted in Google Classroom. Most assignments will be assigned and completed in class. However, there may be assignments that require extra time and may be taken home to complete.

Methods of Assessment:

100% Summative/Performance

Practice will enhance learning to prepare students for graded assessments.

                       Grading Scale and Procedures:

4 – Exemplary – Mastery with excellence, ease, and consistency of grade level or course standard.  All students have the opportunity to earn a 4 on all assessments.

3 – Proficient – Meeting the grade level or course standard and producing quality work.

2 – Developing – Partially proficient and inconsistently performing at grade level or course standard without assistance.

1 – Beginning – Not yet performing at grade level or course standard even with assistance


I – Incomplete Evidence – There is insufficient evidence to evaluate.  It will impact eligibility and grade status as the student did not complete the Assessment by the due date or deadline.

M – Missing – There is no evidence to evaluate based on a student’s excused absence from class and inability to complete or hand in work.  There is no grade penalty with an M.

T – Turned In – Can be given for late work turned in but not yet evaluated.  There is no grade penalty for a T.

The “Academic Dishonesty and Cheating” policy laid out in the Student and Parent Handbook will be followed.


Grading Scale Letter Grade Conversion

A   3.51 to 4.00           C 2.17 to 2.33   

A-  3.00 to 3.50            C- 2.00 to 2.16                                               

B+ 2.84 to 2.99            D+ 1.84 to 1.99                                

B   2.67 to 2.83            D 1.67 to 1.83                                

B-  2.50 to 2.66            D- 1.50 to 1.66                                  

C+  2.34 to 2.49           F 0.00 to 1.49


Every day, students will participate in a variety of physical activities specific to the unit and skills the lesson is designed to improve upon. Throughout the class period, the teacher will use observation and verbal feedback to emphasize skills individual students will need to enhance to improve their overall standard score.


Students will be assessed daily on standards 3,4, and 5. These can be summed up as- 3-participation, 4- responsibility and respect, 5- value. These daily scores are summative assessments that will affect student grades. Standards 1-understanding of a skill and 2- understanding of the use of a skill, will be assessed in each unit with a specific assessment either physical or written.



Classroom Conduct

Cell Phone/Text Messaging Use:                 

No cell phones will be allowed in any physical education setting.  (taking them)


Laptop Use:

Laptops may be required throughout the year. Laptops are to be used properly at all times.


Behavior:                         Students are responsible to know Policies and Procedures                  

  • Students will have 5 minutes to change into PE clothes and be in the gym before being marked tardy.

  • Students that do not change into PE clothes or wearing appropriate shoes will be allowed to participate but will be marked for not dressing which will count against their grade in Standard 4-Responsibility. 

  • Students that are missing for a medical reason must bring a Doctor's excuse for the dates they are not permitted to participate. Students do not have to make these classes up, nor do they get credit for the class. They will receive an M for the grade if it is over an entire quarter.

  • Students will not be allowed to make up unexcused absences.

  • Locker rooms are to be kept clean and will be locked during class time. Do not leave your clothes on the floor.

  • Treat everyone with respect at all times.

  • Laptops will be used throughout the semester at the teacher's request.

  • NO CELL PHONES IN PE CLASS! This is a safety hazard. If the phone is taken the student will not receive credit for standards PE.4 and PE.5.


Emergency Procedures

Procedures will be posted on or above the classroom door.

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